A SFW request blog for some silly pony scribbles!Please read our BYF and Rules before you request any art from us!We only have a Tumblr, so if you see any art reposted elsewhere, please let us know!
Before You Follow
Don’t follow or interact if you (are):
Porn/NSFW/Explicit blog
Anti Neopronouns/Xenogenders
Anti BLM
Support Trump/MAGA
Anti Kin
Support NFTs/Cryptocurrency
Support cringe culture
Proship/Anti Anti
Start ship discourse in the inbox or server
Don’t repost our work anywhere!
No NSFW or angst requests
We only take requests for canon characters from any MLP media (Comics, shows, games etc.). Fan characters are NOT included, no matter how popular they are (So we won’t draw Flufflepuff, for example)
Make-A-Wish characters that appear in the show are fine to request, however we won't draw ship art with them.
Please don’t use
Derpy as a name for the character when requesting her, please. Use Muffins, Ditzy Doo or Bubbles (Here's the reason why)We have ZERO tolerance policy about pedo ships. Even if you’re asking for aged up characters you WILL be blocked.
You may use our art for icons, profile pictures etc. as long as you credit this blog or one of our main blogs somewhere
You may tag our art of show characters as kin! But please do NOT do that for our modsonas/mod ponies or Make-A-Wish ponies from the show
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use your art for banners, icons, moodboards/aesthetic boards, etc.?
As long as you give proper credit, then yes absolutely!
What’s wrong with the term “Brony”?
Without getting too much into this, the term has a lot of negative connotations. The Brony community in specific is known for making a lot of spaces unsafe for the younger fans of MLP with inappropriate content. We know not all people who use the term Brony for themselves participate in this, but we, as a team, are not comfortable with people who continue to knowingly associate with a group of largely known for this inappropriate behavior.
What do you want to call ourselves, then?
Just “MLP fan” is okay! We don’t really need a term for a fan of MLP!
Are mod applications open/when will mod applications be open?
Mod apps are not currently open, but if you want to see when they are and apply, you need to join our Discord Server! We only take applications from people who are in the server, but anyone in there can apply as long as you heed the rules!
How can I become a guest artist?
Apply via our form here!
Why didn’t you answer my ask? / When will you draw my request?
We get a lot of asks every time we open the ask box, and we can’t always do all of them! Feel free to send it again next time requests are open. We might have also not answered it because we answered a similar one somewhat recently, it was eaten by Tumblr machine, or because no one felt up to the task.Also, we are just a bunch of people drawing horses for fun. We aren’t obligated to draw your request.
Do you guys only draw ponies from G4?
We take ponies from all generations of MLP, including characters that aren't in the shows! For specifications on what ponies we DON'T draw, read more below for clarification!
A drawing of Mod Homie's ponysona explaining if we only draw G4 characters from MLP, Transcription below
Hey y'all! Homie here with a gentle reminder: we do not do OCs, fan characters, or fan designs! (not even popular ones like Flufflepuff). We only do canon characters who have appeared in official MLP content (shows, comics, movies, etc.) from any generation (that’s why Button is allowed but not Nyx). We also do not do fan AU designs (aside from artistic liberty taken by the mods). For example, “can you draw Twidash with artist08/my designs” wouldn’t be allowed. The mods may put their own twist on designs, but we’d rather not be asked to follow a specific non-canon design. Thank you for reading!
I have no NSFW on my blog, but I’ve been blocked!
That’s probably because you have some of our BYF content on your blog that we don’t want to associate with.
“Hey, can the mods draw their favorite (blank)?” / “What do you all think of (blank)?”
Please PLEASE don’t do that. There’s way too many mods to organize everyone to draw something for ONE single ask, and it’s kinda unfair to other people’s asks. Ask one or two mods at once at most!
Can I request a specific mod to draw my request?
We discourage that since it can get a bit overwhelming for one mod. If you really want to have your art drawn by a specific person, we also encourage to perhaps include another mod/s in case your first choice doesn’t feel up to the task.
Can I request the mod ponies/mods’ ponysonas being drawn?
Of course! We will be glad to share some information about our personas on the blog! :D
Why are you always censoring the name
A lot of people don’t like it since the word
Hey, where's mod (blank)?
If they aren’t listed in the Former Mods section on our mod page, we don’t want to be associated with them anymore.
Can we request characters from the comics and not the show?
Yes you can! Not all the mods have read the comics, but you can always ask for them. Any canon character from any MLP media (Like comics, shows, games etc.) is fair game!
How many requests do you have at the moment?
Please don’t ask us that! The number keeps fluctuating, and we get a LOT of requests every time they open (Around 100 within the first two days). If you’re asking this to not overwhelm the ask box, good news - you don’t have to worry about that! If we feel like we have enough asks we will CLOSE the requests.
How do I report a moderator being problematic/showing concerning behavior?
We don't take claims of something about a mod without proof- we don't listen to anons that say "(blank) is (blank)" without any sort of evidence, especially when they're talking about a mod. Not only should these sorts of asks have actual things backing them up, but they should also not be put in the public askbox where the mod spoken about can see them and instead a mod should be contacted individually instead.Please don't make baseless accusations about mods holding bigoted views in our askbox, we have no reason to take strangers on the internet seriously, and it's also just really rude lmao. Any asks of those kind will simply be deleted. -mod CottonskittlesWe also take report tickets through our Discord server if you have any concerns about members of the Ponydoodles community, please send in a ticket to alert us so we can take further action, like the askbox however, every mod can see tickets that are put in, so please only use the tickets if it's about a non-mod member, and also like the askbox, we will not take claims without proof seriously -mod Salem
Here’s a list of all the mods in one place! It includes the pic of their ponysona/mod pony, a little description, and their social media (If available). If they don’t have any social media listed, DO NOT ask for them, they’re not there for a reason!
my name is NELLIE or ELENOR i use she/it mainly but im happy with any pronouns. im nbhet too!
i like to draw FLUTTERSHY and shes probably my favourite pony, i like drawing discord and pinkie too
aside from drawing, i like: doing puzzles, sudoku, reading romance manga, watching videos of dogs + reading wikipedia
you can find the rest of my art @onionpwder, im also under that username on twitter and instagram too
listen to my sweetest treat’est mixtape boy
Hii!! I'm mod Treat!! I love ponies a whole bunch and I love drawing them even more! I joined the blog because I love making people happy, and I'm super hyped to be here!!!
Hey y'all, my name is Sam, and I am mod Salem! The noodle to the right (or top if you're on mobile! is Scruffy, I'm very happy to be drawing for y'all!
My favorite ponies and Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Lightning Dust, and Moondancer! I watched MLP as a kid, but I REALLY got into it during g4!
I love drawing with pastels/neons, and I love to snag scene and alternative themed asks! My artstyle varies a lot due to how often I draw, so I hope y'all have just as much fun as I do when it changes!
I'm temporal lobe epileptic and I draw so much because I love doing it, but also because I have hypergraphia! It's both a blessing and a curse lol
Our system name is Crittertales, though the main headmate who posts art for us is Jordyn/Ovis/Mask/Dy/whatever name you know her by! Other headmates may make art, but we don't tag individually. Just use Critter as a collective name if you're unsure, but using our mod name to refer to us is more proper for this blog lol
Collectively we use she/they/animal neos, but Ovis mainly uses the ones listed in the ref, she/they/it/any neos. Collectively we identify as Aspec, Abro, and Queer, and the identities' Ovis identifies as are listed in the image description! (mainly the Big Ones she uses, not all of them)
Our big favorite ponies are Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash (both G4) and we also really like the ship of the two! But we’ll draw anything that catches our interest when we have the motivation for it!
My pronouns are They/Them, It/Its, and She/Her
Looks at u with my big wet eyes.
I have a new name BUT you can call me Roma! Or Birdie as it is my mod name...
Enby lesbian. Big non-men enjoyer right here.
Comorbid ADHD/autism, bad at social stuff, but I like to think I'm still quite friendly, so don't hesitate to talk to me in the Ponydoodles Discord!! 💙💙💙
Haiiii... Mod Birdie here. Formerly Mod Bang. Ummm some stuff about me.... MASSIVE Zelda enjoyer. Love me some triangles. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ (Pretend it's the Triforce... lol..). Moondancer and Luna are still in my top five fav ponies, BUT Celestia is currently number one... Love her so much (Thanks 2 Dozy teehee). Big enjoyer of the color brown. Brown ponies are my jam, SO if you have any fav brown background characters/if you see one and go "oh swag" PLEASE drop me a request (when the ask box is open!!) or ping me in the Discord. I love looking at my little ponies... :miku: ... Uhmmm OH I'm a BIG multishipper like to Tartarus and back again but Twicord is my big BIG OTP!!! Idk something something Beauty and the Beast parallels something something order X chaos ship etcetera etcetera. Lol.
My pronouns are She/Her
Fan of all MLP gens since I watched G1 and G3 as a kiddo and G4 when it premiered!! I collect all sorts of pony toys!
Celestia is my favorite and a big comfort character as well, I have an askblog with her and my ponysona here!
I love pretty people and listening to good tunes and making people happy!! I hope my art makes you happy! (I also hope you have good day, make sure to hydrate!!)
I love drawing horses and love playing with their designs, so I’m excited to share them with y’all!! Twilight and Pinkie are two of my faves to draw!
Dozy AKA Softheart AKA Mod Softie!! She/her pronouns and the biggest bisexual you will ever meet! I hoard aesthetic blogs, so feel free to hmu @ my main for any of my other ones!!
Hello, my name's Griffin and I go by Mod Chook on this blog! My sona's gone through a bit of a redesign, but his name's still Chook, and he's still a kirin/griffon hybrid!
I've been a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for about ten or so years now. My hyperfixation on it has come and gone, but it's always been in my mind and heart.
I find a lot of joy in drawing rarepairs, interesting character dynamics and also just putting silly guys in silly situations
Avid Pokemon card collector and proud cat dad
Here's Chook Chook Chook!
My pronouns are She/They!
I’m a digital artist that loves drawing soft art!! Anything that reminds me of a vintage children’s book or a 80s-90s animated movie, I’m all for it!
AuDHD and I have multiple special interests and hyperfixations, but my top three are MLP, Monster High (G1 specifically), and Sonic!
I’ve been a fan of MLP since I was an itty bitty baby! Although big Rarity stan and kinnie since day one, in every gen!
I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pen steady! Art is literally my first love and I love learning, experimenting, and improving myself every day! I hope to be a big artist one day! <3
Neopronoun user (vae/vaem/vaer) or he/him, either is completely fine
Favorite ponies are: Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon, Rarity, Trixie
Aromantic Bisexual, Queer is a good catchall for me though
My pony art style is going through something! Who knows where it’s headed
Favorite things to draw include disabled and neopronoun headcanons
I try to make image IDs and/or alt text for all my drawings on the blog! If I miss one it is completely accidental– if you make one, and I see it I will add it to the original post
Please look up the northern ghost bat for me, it goes :|
My pronouns are He/Him, She/Her, and They/Them!
I’m a Pan Demigirl!
My favorite ponies are Sunburst and Fluttershy!
I got back into MLP sometime last year!
My mod name + mod intro is just one big fandom reference and if you get it ily <3
I hope you’re all having a good day!!!
HIII I’m Mod DeLorean and I’m really excited to be here!!!
My pronouns are He/Him and Kit/Kits!
Hey!! I'm mod Grapes. I’ve been into MLP since forever, and I just love drawing horses. My head canons when it comes to character designs or aspects about certain species can get really specific, so I hope you all enjoy me messing with alllll of your favorite horses. Bros, I'm just glad 2 be here :]
My name is Fay!
I love love loooove ponies!!!! g4 is my favorite, but g3 also holds a very special place in my heart. <3
Some of my favorite ponies are Wysteria, Trixie, Cadance, and Fluttershy. But I love to draw them all!
Listen to in the dream of the sea life by candy claws 💿
Any Pronouns! Been using He/Him a lot lately! Order does not represent preference!
Mixed Latino! Mexican/Puerto Rican & German/Norwegian! Born and raised in Montana (weird combo, BELIEVE me I know/silly/lh)
MLP was my art awakening! Been falling in love with the older gens!
I have a LOT of favorite ponies, but the pins in the ref are Bubbles/Muffins, Trixie, Saffron Masala, Cheese Sandwich, Luna, Izzy Moonbow, and Twinkle Bloom!
Still don’t have a consistent style that hasn’t changed lmao
So much neurodivergence I can out radiate a nuclear reactor
I have a LOT of fixations but as of editing I’ve got SCP, Spelunky, TF2, Backrooms, The Amazing Digital Circus, Welcome Home, and so many more!
Oh, and Saint Motel oh it’s my favorite I’ve listened to their entire discography, I am CRAZY about them.
My pronouns are She/Her and Lulla/Lullas
I LOVE STARCATCHER she is my #1 forever. Starcatcher and Skywishes are my favourite ponies.
As for G4, I would have to say Zecora. My biggest ship (after me and Starcatcher haha jk… unless?) is FlutterTwiCora! I also like Flutterjack and RariTwi.
I’d love to start an ASMR channel someday!
I collect furbies! I have 10 at the moment, the loves of my life!
I love dating sims and hope to one day make my own
Other interests include : camping, writing music, anime, video games, collecting fairy stuff and Star Wars!
Thank you! I’m happy to be one of your new mods
Hey, what’s up gamers! My name is Furbie or Mod Murmurs! I’m so excited to be here! I’m 20 years old, and I just got into MLP one year ago! Ever since, my friends on Ponydoodles have made me feel so loved and welcome. I’m excited to see what being a Ponydoodles artist will have in store for me!
My pronouns are He/Him and They/Them and my sona Toonz (also known as Disaster Squish) and uses He/Him and It/Its!
I’m the biggest cartoon nerd ever! Cartoons just in general are my biggest special interest, alongside maybe bats!
Currently, I’m extremely hyperfixated on Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes! But honestly, I don’t think there’s a cartoon out there that I don’t love!!
I love love LOVE gen 3 of MLP, it’s prob my favorite gen. Maybe because I grew up with it, haha!
My favorite characters are Wisteria, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Chrysalis, Sunset Shimmer, Minty, and gosh just a ton more! I can’t help it, there’s just so many good characters!!
Though ship wise my faves are def Sunset & SciTwi and Wisteria & Kimono haha but gosh I love a ton of ships too!
Ciao, ciao! I’m Mod KO!
My pronouns are He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Bug/Bugs, Gloom/Glooms, Zi/Zim, Pup/Pups, and Nix/Nix ! (I hold a lot of gender)
I've been into MLP since my single digit years, and have been drawing for nearly as long! I'm mostly just familiar with G4, but I hope to get into older gens someday :>
My favorite character is Chrysalis, and my favorite ships are Frazzle Rock x Sapphire Shores and Chrysalis x Luna !
Outside MLP, some of my other main interests include Flight Rising, Danganronpa, and Ruby Gloom!
I experiment with certain aspects of my style a decent amount. You may see some inconsistency between my posts, but I hope you enjoy them regardless! :>c
I am a funky little creature /srs /pos
YO how is it GOING gamers, I’m Mod Razz!! I go by Flick in most online spaces, but you can call me Razz too! I am Very Queer and neurodivergent, and I'm the host of a system of currently 14. I'm very glad to be here! :]
My actual name is Orion, but I think nebula is a super fitting and cute addition!!
The ponies I've always liked are Fluttershy, Fleur De Lis, Starsong, and Toola Roola :D
My main interest rn is Transformers :) what a treat to have an official crossover with MLP right?
Hey all! I'm a new addition to Ponydoodles, I'll be known as mod nebula :) happy to be here
Sunrise is actually the name of our system! I am the host, and my name is actually Link!
Hy/Hym or It/Its are a catchall for us!
I kin Twilight Sparkle! g4 is my favorite gen :)
Outside MLP, my main interests are Legend of Zelda, Wings of Fire, and recently, Warrior Cats!
Hello hello!! I’m a new addition to Ponydoodles as well, and I’ll be known as mod sunrise 🔆 here! Happy to be with y'all :]
Honey comes from Bee! Fernbee actually, which is pretty much what I go by everywhere. Plus it’s sweet!
Any pronouns are fine by me, but I especially love my neopronouns Cupid/Cupids!
I LOVE Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Princess Cadence! But I’m also really big on Toola Roola, Puzzlemint, and Bumblesweet from g3
Besides MLP I’m also super big into Transformers, doll modding, Barbie movies, mecha anime, and Pokemon!
Hai hello hello everycreature! My name is mod Honey, and I’m one of the new resident doodlers! I’m so excited to be here and meet you all! Can’t wait to start drawing :3
My name Kane is actually a nickname an old friend of mine came up with, but it just stuck for me, and now I use it everywhere online!
My sona is a kinsona of Twilight Sparkle (designed by Dozy!), Twilight's my absolute favorite pony! I also love all the princesses and Rarity, plus Wisteria and Rainbow Dash from g3
Outside of MLP my main interests r doll collecting, Baldurs Gate 3 and gaming in general, Monster High, and the art of drag! Plus so many more
Hello everypony!! I am so happy to be here, my mod name is Glimmer, but l usually go by Kane or Ly! I can't wait to start drawing for you all and interact with everyone smile
My name is Bailey or Sleepy alternatively, but just Twinkle is fine too!
I use any pronouns + neopronouns, and I'm bigender, catvesi and I have AUDHD!
๋࣭⭑ I love all generations of MLP, Littlest Pet Shop, Monster High, Invader Zim, SPTO, and a lot more!
I love Party Favor, Princess Cadence and Blossomforth lots! I'm also a HUGE fan of merch-only ponies... (Dewdrop Dazzle my beloved...)
Hello !! I'm Mod Twinkle, and I'll be a new mod here :3 I'm so excited to be a part of Ponydoodles !!
I'm Scout, mod animal
My pronouns are He/She/Mlem
Don't ask me to pick a fave pony/gen, I actually have a huge heart that can fit all the horses in it thanks xoxo
Sup!!!! Re-introduction time ft my ponysona, heirloom - I'm scout & my favourite trait of mine is my resilience! Nothing can stop me!!! No matter what happens, I will always try my best :-)
Join the Ponydoodles server!

However, before you join, here are a couple main RULES you need to know! More rules are in the #rules channel in the server, so familiarize yourself with those as well!!
The server is STRICKLY SFW!!! Any mentions and pictures of anything NSFW gets you instantly banned!Swearing is okay, just don’t overdo it! Under any circumstances DO NOT use slurs. You will be instantly banned as well.We do not have a venting channel, so keep negativity to a minimum. You are free to ask if someone is willing to lend an ear in DMs, but we want to keep the server a positive space!The instant ban rule also extends to people who fit our BYF criteria. So if we find out you fit any of them, or surround yourself with people who fit those criteria OR defend people who fit those criteria, you aren’t welcome in our server.If you call yourself a Brony, do NOT join our server. The word itself has bad connotations within the MLP fandom and if we see you refer to yourself as a Brony we will assume you’re part of the problem, and you will be kicked out.The server is open to all ages and while the mods do their best to keep the server as safe as possible, you should still be responsible and careful about any information you give out onlineJust be respectful, kind, polite and have fun! We are all there for the horses!
Our official server flag was done by the wonderful partywithponies!!!
Shoutout form
Send us a link to a post on your Tumblr blog that you’d like us to reblog!
It MUST be MLP oriented or post mainly MLP content
The post also has to have some info about your blog and some examples of your art!
Note: Submissions only work on Tumblr Desktop!